Help with ESP Pro

ESP Pro is designed to help you develop your Extra Sensory Perception (ESP) abilities.

How to play

You may wonder how to play this game at all. The idea is to beat the random number generator, by using your instinct/sixth sense/intuition to somehow feel which of the four buttons will lead to a strong sensation of satisfaction. This feeling could be described as your future emotion, from after you pressed the correct button, bleeding into the present. It sounds odd, but try it.


ESP Pro also enables statistical analysis of your game sessions, so you can see just how accurate your intuition really is. This means that the app not only provides a fun way to train your psychic skills, but also offers a way to objectively measure your progress and determine whether you truly have ESP abilities.

There is currently no recognized scientific evidence for ESP. Yet many people have reported events that are difficult to outright dismiss. One of the motivations behind this app is to provide evidence in a controlled manner. To do so, we anonymously collect the results from each session played.